
are overalls having a moment?


Guys, seriously. 
I called this like a year ago but be honest with me, are overalls back? 
You can't tell me your junior high self isn't just a little bit excited. 

 * Oh yeah, those are wedding overalls! 

What do you guys think? Would you rock the overalls?



  1. Wedding overalls, I love it!

    With exception of my 2-year old self, I doubt I could pull off overalls. However, I am LOVING how she is wearing them in the first photo! Too cute.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog today! I hope you enjoyed the mixtape I created. :) Looking forward to reading more from you!

  2. I LOVE overalls so much!! I have a couple pairs of short ones that I love!!

  3. Those last overalls in white, those are my favourite. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I cannot wear them but I do love them on other people.


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