

Listography: If You Have 5 Minutes ...

Last year, I saw a list in the magazine, Real Simple called "If You Have 5 Minutes." Now, I need to go on a small tangent here. I'm a list-aholic. I make lists for every thing whether it's for a specific reason or not.  I'm not sure what it is but it helps my anxiety. I like everything to be organized and planned. Basically, I'm a controlling Aries. (Sounds fun, right?) Annnyways, this list caught my eye because a. it's a list and b. I'm constantly wasting time and need to start being more wise. So, if you're like me this might be just as helpful.

1. Call your dad. (For me, I sometimes need more than 5 minutes. We're talkers.)
2. Check your voice mail.
3. Move some random files on your computer desktop to correct folders. (or delete old ones).
4. Refold your sweaters and stack them by color. (Or, your dresser drawers. Mine get so messy sometimes).
5. Floss your teeth.
6. Water the plants and wipe dusty leaves with a damp paper towel.
7. Sew on a button.
8. Put to-be-donated clothes in a big by the door. (Just make sure it doesn't STAY be the door. I know you're guilty of this).
9. Untangle a necklace. (slightly fun to me. Yeah, I'm weird)
10. Cancel one appointment you just really don't want to keep. Or, make an appointment you really need to make but don't want to.
11. Find evening bag, scarf, or top that got lost in closet. (My closet is a chronic sweater-eater).
12. Test pens or markers and toss the dead ones. (Guilty. I'll never understand why I don't toss it into the trash instead of back into the bin. They're both bins? And in the same vicinity?)
13. Arrange your hangers so they all face the same way.
14. Pick up five things and put them where they belong.
15. Wash the dog's bowl.
16. Brush the cat, or dog.
17. Clear out the refrigerator.
18. Remove gum wrappers, receipts, and ATM slips from your purse. (AH, messy purses are the worst but inevitable).
19. Get rid of one pair of shoes that kill your feet.
20. Scan your medicine cabinet and throw out any expired prescriptions, sunscreens, and vitamins.
21. Test your smoke alarms. (Note: don't do it if your dog is in the house....unless you want to spend hours trying to calm him (and then eventually yourself) down).
22. Shred something - anything. (This suggestion is really demanding...)
23. Write thank-you notes that you've been putting off.
24. Walk around your home with a small can of white paint; do touch-ups.
25. Create an emergency kit with bottled water, batteries, a flashlight and canned foods.
26. Download the pictures in your digital camera to your computer.
27. Paint your toenails.
28. Throw out all expired coupons.
29. Look through old box of photos; frame some.
30. Empty the bathroom wastebaskets.
31. Open your file cabinet and get rid of five old files.
32. Transfer dates from invitations and school flyers to the calendar.
33. Return that Netflix movie. (It's like they know me).
34. Check your stack of magazines and eliminate half. (Uh.... I'm embarrassed by the amount of magazines I hoard at a time).
35. Organize your tupper ware. (F***, tupper ware).
36. Look in your shower stall. Ditch any old shampoos or body washes.
37. Neaten up the freezer. (How old is too old?)
38. Do two yoga poses. (Ommmm)
39. Answer three emails. (Or in my case delete, delete, delete. My inbox currently has like 1,500 "unread" messages).
40. Charge your portable devices.
41. Sweep the kitchen floor.

Now, go do a chore and then pat yourself on the back.

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